Embark on a magical crochet journey with designer Erinna Lee's latest book, Enchanted Woodland Amigurumi.
Discover 15 amigurumi creatures, including Jules the Mushroom Fairy and Holly the Hedgehog, as they bring to life an enchanted woodland. Learn the art of creating these charming characters and witness the transformative power of friendship. Erinna's book is a treasure trove of knowledge, ensuring that with a few stitches and soft yarn, you can craft your own whimsical haven in no time.
Erinna uses Krea Deluxe Organic Cotton throughout this book's designs.
About the Author:
Designer LittleAquaGirl (Erinna Lee) is a scientist by day and a crochet lover by night. She loves soft colours and kawaii characters. Her amigurumi score high on the cuteness scale. Her first two books in the Amigurumi Treasures series have proven to be a treasure trove for Amigurumi fans.