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  • New Year Knitting Resolutions!

    January 07, 2016 2 min read 0 Comments

    We're a week into January already, can you believe it?

    Traditionally we make new years resolutions at this time of year and we knitters are no different; so here are just a few ideas to get you started.

    • Finish any works in progress aka wips. Be truthful how many projects did you start in 2015 and not finish? I didn't do too bad last year, I've currently just got two project unfinished. One is a crocheted bag which I need to line, my sewing skills aren't up to much so I've been delaying getting out my sewing machine. My second wip is a sweater, I'm knitting Almost there... by Isabell Kraemer and I am almost there! Just few inches of my second sleeve to go! 
    Almost there... knitted in Cheeky Merino Joy 


    • Learn something new. I've big plans for 2016! I want to learn several new knitting techniques including brioche and I fancy trying steeking. I also want to take my crochet to the next level and spend a little more time with a hook!
    Willow taken from Knitting Fresh Brioche by Nancy Marchant


    • Teach someone to knit. Years gone by knitting skills were passed on from one generation to the next but somewhere along the line a whole generation have been missed learning to be creative with two needles and yarn. Almost all my friends can't knit so this year I plan to teach at least one of them so I can drag them along to all the yarnie events this coming year! 
    • Organised your stash.  If we are honest most of us including myself have an ample amount of yarn to keep us knitting for quite some time. Organise your yarn into different weights and then look at your Ravelry queue and match the yarn you have with possible projects. If you've got the odd skein then look for stash busting projects, I can highly recommend Louise Zass-Bangham's book Knit Play Colour, I've already knitted three different projects using up yarn from my stash. There are ten different patterns in the book for cowl, shawls and scarves, Louise has included instructions on using different yarns weights to gives you multiple options. 
    Umbra knitted in Rialto Chunky, pattern from Knit Play Colour


    If you've made knitting or crochet resolutions for 2016 we'd love to hear about them, do share in our comments



    About the Author

    Rachel Owen is the owner of Tangled Yarn. As a mother to two teenagers life is never dull! When she's not knitting can be found wandering the Pennines with her faithful cocker spaniel Bailee. Her favourite colour is blue or is it green? And she could sink a ship with the amount of tea she drinks!