May 27, 2013 2 min read 0 Comments
A social butterfly is someone who is social or friendly with everyone, flitting from person to person, the way a butterfly might.
Social media has really opened up the world of knitting with Ravelry now having over 3 million members. Giving us ability to share projects we are working on with one another, find tips and advice at the click of a button is invaluable, make new friends with a shared interest from the other side of the world is amazing! But be warned there is a darker side! Before you know where you are hours have passed and your knitting needles have remained untouched by your side, not a single stitch knitted or a row completed. Your planned knitting projects have increased tenfold, all those free knitting patterns, oh and paid for patterns just tempting you to add them to your queue. If I were to add all the yarn needed to complete all my queue patterns together I could probably make it around the world twice!
Without social sites like Ravelry, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest though knitting would be a lonely pastime for many and I include myself here. No I hear you say, what about knitting groups? Yes Stitch and Bitch Groups are popping up in cafes, pubs and bars, but this again is driven by the world of social media. Our knowledge of design and the possibilities of what all that wool and yarn could be made into would also be greatly affected, so whilst if we’re not careful we can while away the hours in a virtual world we can flutter in and out like a butterfly and take away the very best social media has to offer whilst knitting to our hearts content. So I say hats off for taking a traditional hand-craft and making it very much in the now!
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